City with stable energy supply lighted at night.

Grid stability and secure returns with renewable energies

The energy transition will succeed only if the majority of our electricity is generated from renewable energy sources. But these are subject to weather-dependent fluctuations. The SMA Energy System for battery-storage power plants provides grid-forming capability, which is currently provided by decentralized power plants, and feeds green electricity with a stable frequency into the utility grid. This turns power plant owners and operators into key players on the electricity market.

Daniel Duckwitzby Daniel Duckwitz (guest post), , 2 Comments

Five Reasons Integrated Energy Is So Important

Integrated energy is considered a key technology for the energy transition. It combines the individual electricity, heat and mobility energy sectors and thus ensures efficient use of renewable energy. This is the only way to achieve decarbonization of the global economy. With the new opportunities provided by digitalization, integrated energy is paving the way for Energy Supply 4.0.